Programming Committee

The board and members of the Calgary Interfaith Council facilitate programs that support us in realising our goals, seeking to build a more just and respectful Calgary through:

  • Deepening relationships across faith traditions
  • Celebrating diversity
  • Learning from and about each other

Current programs include Scriptural Sharing and the Interfaith Bible Study. We have a particular committee for United Nations World Interfaith Harmony Week and the Calgary Interfaith Breakfast. We are open to other programming ideas as members come forward with suggestions and capacity.

If you would like to be a member of the Programming Committee please contact Rev. Samaya Oakley, Chair , or Sarah Arthurs at  ( 

United Nations World Interfaith Harmony Week Committee 

Since 2017, the Calgary Interfaith Council has been celebrating the United Nations World Interfaith Harmony Week. We have been taking advantage of this platform to celebrate both our diversity and all that we have in common, including the call to love and compassion that is central to all world religions.

 It is hoped that this initiative will provide a focal point from which all people of goodwill can recognize that the common values they hold far outweigh the differences they have, and thus provide a strong dosage of peace and harmony to their communities.  (UNWIHW Website)

In 2017, the CIC won first prize in the world for our programming, a wonderfully unexpected gift to us in our first year of work as an organization. 

If you would like to be a member of the UNWIHW Committee, please contact Sarah Arthurs at ( Meeting schedule to be determined.