Nov. 16, 6-8:30pm
(VENUE CHANGE) Prairie Sky Cohousing Cooperative, 100 403 31 Ave NE Calgary, AB T2E 2E3

This potluck is particularly to help north Calgary faith communities connect, but of course, everyone is welcome: north, south, east and west!

Our table conversations will focus on the elements (light, fire, water) and the special objects (Menorah, Diyas lamp, Nativity Scene) that support our celebrations of Holy Days. Bring an important object or symbol to share!

Please also bring a traditional or favourite food to share. We ask that you please consider those with food allergies and dietary restrictions by providing a card with all ingredients along with your dish. When labelling items that contain meat, please specify if the meat is Halal or Kosher. Halal or Kosher meat can be purchased at Walmart or Superstore.

Download the poster: PDF / JPEG